Types of Oil
Cold pressed oils are a type of naturally pressed juice from the seeds of certain plants, which contain only their natural nutritious ingredients, noticeable in their smell and taste. These are unrefined and thermically non-treated oils, which abound with essential fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins, lecithin, phytosterols, and healthy minerals.

Sesame oil is vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Sesame seed oil originates from the Sesamum indicum plant. The plant’s seeds are pressed to obtain the pale yellow oil, which contains healthy, unsaturated fatty acids including linoleic, palmitic, oleic and stearic acids. These are easily absorbed and digestable. It also contains vitamins A, B, and E Sesame oil is one of the more stable natural oils, but can still benefit from refrigeration and limited exposure to light and high temperatures during extraction, processing and storage in order to minimize nutrient loss through oxidation and rancidity. Sesame oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years.
Origin and history
When we talk about the history of sesame oil, we should look back to that of the sesame. Sesame was originally called benne by Chinese people. Through some biological studies in China, people found the seeds of ancient buried in Zhejiang, China about 5000 years ago. So it may be originated from this Asian country. Some ancient Chinese books also recorded the existence of sesame oil. But some archaeological studies in the Middle East have revealed that sesame oil was produced as early as more than 3000 years ago in India and Persia. However, some people hold the view that it was first from the Africa, and later it was introduced to India and China. The production of sesame oil has a long and glamorous history as well. Sesame oil was at first used as a kind of household fuel. Now the oil is produced in factories and its production becomes more and more efficient.
Nutrition & health benefits
- Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sesame oil. They have a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production, as well as regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.
- Very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and riboflavin.
- Niacin is another B-complex vitamin found abundantly in sesame. It helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Valuable source of dietary proteins with fine quality amino acids that are essential for growth, especially in children.
- Contains several notable health-benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for wellness.
- Especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, which helps to lower LDL or “bad cholesterol” and increases HDL or “good cholesterol” in the blood.
- Reduces blood pressure
- Promotes hearth health
- Helps prevent cancer
- Helps prevent diabetes
- Reduces PMS symptoms
- Lower cholesterol
- In cosmetic products
- As a hair conditioner