Our Recipes
Whether you’re looking for hearty main dish salad recipes or light, nutritious fare, these salads are far from ordinary.

Pumpkin oil recipes
Potato salad
Best paired with

- 4-5 компири (washed, non-peeled)
- 2 лименки со павлака
- 200 г мајонез
- 1 лажичка сенф
- 4 јајца
- 200 г шунка
- жолто сирење (кашкавал)
- масло од тиква
Cook the potatoes in salty water until soft. Drain and peel them, then cut them in 5mm thick pieces. Add fresh (non-fried) finely chopped onions, and enough basic salad dressing to cover the potatoes and stir carefully until all the ingredients mix. Serve while hot. ( The same potato salad, prepared the previous day and kept in a refrigerator also has an excellent taste ).